You can help by supporting organisations, writing letters, using your talents to highlight what is going on, or put on a protest. See below for how to do this.

Supporting Organisations who campaign for benefit fairness and justice

Disabled People against Cuts

Black Triangle Campaign

Unite Community

Mental Health Resistance Network

Rights Net

Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty


Justice for Jodey Facebook Page

Using Your Talents to Highlight This Issue

Whatever your talent or career, you can do something to highlight this awful situation. If you are an artist, make art about it, put on a show about it. If you are a writer or journalist, write a blog, an article, books, poems about it. If you are in the medical profession, contact your union, professional body and let them know your concerns, make it an item in an agenda or a conference. If you can’t think of how you can help, make it a topic of conversation, think of a way you can make some noise.

Internet Resources on How to Protest

Checklist For Strategic Action Planning – Ruckus

Know Your Rights – Midnight Special Law Collective

Top 10 Campaigning Tips – Shelia McKechnie Foundation

Some Protest Tactics – Beautiful Trouble

198 Methods of Nonviolent Protest and Persuasion (Gene Sharp) 

How to Organise a Protest – Liberty

Writing Letters to Right Wrongs

coming soon